Star Showers 2009

I see the waves upon the shore,

Like light dissolved in star-showers, thrown. — Percy Bysshe Shelley

The title of this 2009 exhibition was borrowed by the revolutionary and visionary poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Exhibited at Watters Gallery in 2009, these were the paintings that followed the Headland and Introspection series, which was completed while I was undergoing chemotherapy. By the time of Star-Showers the Way to the Underworld was still Easy, but I was starting to emerge into the light.

 In these images I am still exploring Gamay (Botany Bay), but I am also moving back along the so-called Cooks River and the Alexandra Canal. From the sandstone escarpment of Wolli Bluff (Pemelwuy Country!), I wander down into the valley, where the aptly named Occupation Street reminds us Anglo-Australians of our history.


Two Weeks in Chloride Street, Broken Hill 2011


Introspection: New Drawings 2008